Environmental Works

Contaminated Land Management

Rainbow has divided its Contaminated Land Management division into three sub-divisions.

Gasworks Remediation logo

Gasworks Remediation

Rainbow has remediated four gasworks sites through NSW & Victoria.
Works have included:
  • River bank excavations and rehabilitation/revegetation of river bank
  • Hand excavation and removal of contaminated soils from around roots of large Morton Bay fig trees 
  • Demolition of Gas holders 
  • Treatment of cyanide wastes 

Rainbow Group’s civil works experience has enabled it to carry out sewer and stormwater diversions to enable the removal of wastes. Once the wastes have been removed, the infrastructure is then re-instated.

Hydrocarbon Remediation

Hydrocarbon contamination is the result of the spillage or leakage of petroleum based products such as petrol and diesel either from bowsers or underground storage tanks that over time accumulate in the underlaying soils surrounding retail outlets such as a service stations.

Over the past twelve years Rainbow has decommissioned over 360 service stations, 40 depots and three terminals throughout NSW, Qld and Victoria.

Rehabilitation of former Industrial Sites

Rainbow Group also undertakes the remediation of former industrial land to enable clients to re-zone land to a more valuable use. The works are predominantly truck and haul projects that require an ability to interface with Environmental consultants; industrial hygienist’s, geotechnical engineers, site auditors and Council officers.
A detailed knowledge of civil works and the requirements of each individual participant as well as Workcover and Local Government Regulations are required to complete projects of this type in a timely and economic way.

Rainbow does offer lump sum packages and/or shared risk packages for selected projects upon request.

Gasworks Remediation

Rainbow has remediated four gasworks sites through NSW & Victoria. Works have included
  • River bank excavations and rehabilitation/revegetation of river bank
  • Hand excavation and removal of contaminated soils from around roots of large Morton Bay fig trees 
  • Demolition of Gas holders 
  • Treatment of cyanide wastes 
Rainbow Group's civil works experience has allowed it to carry out sewer and stormwater diversions to enable the removal of wastes. Once the wastes have been removed, the infrastructure can then be re-instated.

Hydrocarbon Remediation

Hydrocarbon contamination is the result of the spillage or leakage of petroleum based products such as petrol and diesel either from bowsers or underground storage tanks that over time accumulate in the underlaying soils surrounding retail outlets such as a service stations.

Over the past twelve years Rainbow has decommissioned over 360 service stations, 40 depots and three terminals throughout NSW, Qld and Victoria.

Rehabilitation of former Industrial Sites

Rainbow Group also undertakes the remediation of former industrial land to enable clients to re-zone land to a more valuable use. The works are predominantly truck and haul projects that require an ability to interface with Environmental consultants; industrial hygienist’s, geotechnical engineers, site auditors and Council officers. 

A detailed knowledge of civil works and the requirements of each individual participant as well as Workcover and Local Government Regulations are required to complete projects of this type in a timely and economic way.

Rainbow does offer lump sum packages and/or shared risk packages for selected projects upon request.

Water Treatment

Rainbow has developed a water treatment unit that is Sydney Water compliant for the treatment of petroleum impacted water for discharge to sewer. Rainbow has via Sydney Water, Gosford City Council, Lithgow City Council, Newcastle Water and Perth Water licenses, discharged over 200,000,000 litres of treated water to sewer.

Rainbow also owns and operates petroleum product recovery pumps and containerised units for recovery of product from ground water table and stripping of petroleum from petroleum saturated water to enable the water to be re-injected or further treated and discharged to stormwater.

Rainbow also owns and operates two odour treatment units for the treatment of strong petroleum odours that are sometimes released from soils when underground fuel tanks are being removed or petrol impacted soils excavated and spread on a site. 

Because this work is very specialized and of a sensitive nature, project requirements may be discussed in confidence with our company director. 

Rainbow has developed a water treatment unit that is Sydney Water compliant for the treatment of petroleum impacted water for discharge to sewer. Rainbow has via Sydney Water, Gosford City Council, Lithgow City Council, Newcastle Water and Perth Water licenses, discharged over 200,000,000 litres of treated water to sewer. Rainbow also owns and operates petroleum product recovery pumps and containerised units for recovery of product from ground water table and stripping of petroleum from petroleum saturated water to enable the water to be re-injected or further treated and discharged to stormwater.
Rainbow also owns and operates two odour treatment units for the treatment of strong petroleum odours that are sometimes released from soils when underground fuel tanks are being removed or petrol impacted soils excavated and spread on a site.

Because this work is very specialized and of a sensitive nature, project requirements may be discussed in confidence with our company director.
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